Exhibits & Sponsors

ALCOSP'2013 welcomes sponsors and exhibitors interested in promoting publications, products and services to attendees of the conference—an international group of  researchers, engineers, and educators in control and signal processing.

The following options are offered to you:

  • Having your flyer (describing your compagny) distributed to all attendees along with conference materiel: expected donation: 500 €
  • Having your compagny flyer and logo on all conference communication supports, including the web site: expected donation: 1,500 €
  • Havind a dedicated space in the coffee break hall during the whole conference so as to exhibit your own equipments, videos, publications, etc: expected donation: 2,000 € for 10m2

Besides, the choice of any of the last two options will give you the benefit of a free registration to attend all sessions as well as meals, having thus the opportunity to make the most of the lastest advances in the field and discussing directly with all attendees.

We are open to any partnership suggestion to better meet your need.


For sponsorship and exhibition arrangement, please contact one of:

  • Prof. Fouad Giri
    Université de Caen Basse-Normandie
    UFR de Sciences, Campus 2
    14 032 Caen Cedex, France
    Phone: 33 2 31 56 72 87
  • Dr. Bruno Zanuttini
    Université de Caen Basse-Normandie
    UFR de Sciences, Campus 2
    14 032 Caen Cedex, France
    Phone: 33 2 31 56 74 84
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